Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wet + Wild

Leaving WinSol3 early this morning was a blessing in disguise...with my power systems drained ... and no sunshine for at least 2 weeks... it can snow up to 10feet for all I care....but of  course it won't do that!  ...only when I am there and have important meetings to get to.
A couple weeks ago we got close to 2ft of snow (first big storm of the year that I experienced).
One of the reasons I haven't blogged here in a while is that I only have about 2 hours of max power each day to charge my laptop and do important web work... and guess what? this blog ain't in the top five!  :-) for those of you keeping up with my 'life'... go figure.

Lessons learned... which have already been taken: don't run ANY big loads between October thru March...double the size of the PV panels.  install disconnect and force total power load shutdown when I'm gone.  That's in place, and should resolve THE big issue.  The other one is to get a Morningstar rather than a Xantrex controller - but that's only for power techies who won't be reading this.

The last two months have been INCREDIBLY warm... have planted a bunch of seeds and flowers are bursting out like crazy... only to be squashed by snow. The greenhouse is looking better and better each day... lotsa bulbs blooming... can't wait for spring!

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